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Masterclass Iniezione d´Autostima (3).png

La relazione che hai con te stessa è indubbiamente la relazione più importante che avrai nella tua vita... e di sicuro la più lunga!


Imparare ad amare e accettare autenticamente ogni parte di te è tuo diritto e dovere.


Ed è un viaggio che dura tutta la vita, pieno di spirali interiori bellissime!


Se vuoi conoscerti o ricordarti chi sei...

Iniezione di Autostima è il workshop che fa per te!

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Magia Femminile

Together with Stefania Curci - Psycotherapist and Make-up Artist - I created this program for women who want to discover new parts of themselves and strengthen the relationship with their body and woman's spirit.


How connected are you to the WOMAN you are becoming or have become? Do you like yourself? Do you accept yourself? Do you love yourself?


When the connection with yourself shuts down, you notice this from the fact that everything else starts to feel stagnant and suck up what little energy is left.


Stefania and I will guide you on a path aimed at understanding your being a Woman  and embrace every side of your essence!




Individual Coaching

Life is too short to be unhappy, insecure  or dissatisfied. Let me teach you more effective ways to manage the problems that take you away from your goals and tune your mind to a positive channel.


If you want a real transformation and are ready to invest the right time and energy, then there is no doubt that individual meetings with me are the right way!


Contact me for a discovery session and let's figure out a personalized coaching concept for you!


Group Coaching

I have created this program with a lot of passion  for women ready to elevate every area of their life!


Are you trying to figure out what to do in your life, to align your vision with your daily actions? This 12-week program full of videos, worksheets, meditations and online meetings under my guidance will be able to reveal your talents, your future vision and introduce the healthy habits that will lead you towards that vision.


There are so many secrets for a life lived to the full, I can't wait to show you how!

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