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They say about me

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Annarita, 31

I wanted to question myself by participating to the fabulous program "Up with life!" by Marianna ... 
Each chapter / topic reflected my mood at that precise moment. I looked inside and caught all the details that, perhaps, during these 31 years I had never had the opportunity to read all the way through...

I would like to recommend this path to every woman because everyone needs to take proper guidance for specific phases of their life!

And who better than Marianna can do it?  

Good luck girls!


Ivana, 36

I don't think there can be a more suitable person than Marianna to offer a course like "Up with life":
Marianna radiates joy, optimism and positivity from all pores, and this is her natural charisma
energizing combines a rich dose of professionalism, competence and empathy.


The result is that the
at the end of the course you find yourself with the right charge to dedicate yourself to your new projects and also with the
full awareness that any obstacle between you and the life you would like to have is one
pure state of mind.


And the beauty is that this awareness does not remain such and immobile,
because in the meantime she will have the right tools and knowledge to be able to leave
space for movement and concreteness. Absolutely recommended course even for skeptics



Eleonora, 28

I am truly grateful that I made the decision to invest in myself this year. It was my first time investing in a coach and I really appreciated the support and responsibility that comes with it. The program was a journey to awaken my consciousness, especially in regards to my beliefs about success and self-realization. Thanks to Marianna I felt fully supported on this trip;)  and now I use the tools and knowledge I learned through the group program every day. I can recommend this program to anyone who knows deep down that they deserve more.


Martina, 32

I decided to enroll in Marianna's course at a very delicate moment in my life when I was about to make a big change. I felt that I needed an extra push, a support.

Well "Up with life" accompanied me along the path giving me the self-confidence I needed.
The approach of the course made me understand the importance of writing, of stopping to reflect on one's emotions and experiencing them, both the good ones and the bad ones, of facing one's weaknesses, but leveraging on one's own strengths, of discovering what are the talents and gradually increase self-confidence.

The formula of the weekly chat with other girls particularly excited me because there was the sharing of thoughts, points of view that gave new ideas to reflect on.

It has been 12 weeks where I feel I have made great strides in personal growth by giving me excellent tools that I will always carry with me. The first of all is the smile.
Thanks Marianna!

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Marina, 33

The Up With Life program was a great opportunity for introspection. I finally took some time to reflect methodically on the issues of life on which I wanted to make order and clarity.


Marianna's program is a guide to discovering oneself, to dig deep, it is a strategic invitation to address issues that we often avoid, ignore, due to laziness, lack of time, procrastination, fear of change or fear of leaving the comfort zone. we put aside, because we know that if they are there good in the unconscious, nothing will change, while if they come to the surface we should face them, certainly undertaking an interior change and probably an exterior change.  



The program is varied, well structured and gradually breaks down our beliefs, our barriers and releases our creativity. It is a very effective tool for self-knowledge and above all for self-improvement, regardless of what the starting level is.  


I would recommend this program to all women who have great ideas, but also to those who think they don't have them, to all women who think they need life-coaching, but especially to those who think they don't need it. .



Sara, 33

I decided to enroll in the group coaching "Up with life" in a time of change, rebirth and reflection.


Working on myself allowed me to reconsider my priorities and my work goals and, although I already had clear ideas about where I wanted to go, I needed that extra push, that self-confidence, which is often lacking, influenced by different circumstances.


Tackling the weekly themes and exercises in the company of Marianna and the other girls made me feel supported and helped in believing more in myself and in my potential.


No matter how many disappointments we have had so far, no matter what goals we have not yet reached, this coaching work helps us to focus attention on the power we have now to change ourselves and our future, it helps us to analyze our aspirations, our values, our strengths to take the best path that will lead us to our goals with harmony, optimism and determination.


A path that illuminates the way and gives small, great satisfactions. Heartfelt thanks Marianna!


Gabriella, 38

Marianna is a wonderful being, a strong and energetic, sunny and positive woman, one who always has the right thing to say, a source of inspiration.


I started this journey with some perplexity, I was in a phase of profound laziness and I was afraid of leaving my comfort zone. Through this program, which alas ends after only 12 weeks, I questioned myself, put myself to the test and discovered new potentials, characteristics of myself that I now proudly preserve.


I found a group of women with whom to compare and grow in a short time and with whom a beautiful energy has been established.

Week after week I was looking forward to receiving and carrying out the tasks that the Coach sent us.


Thanks to the program, I had the pleasure of deepening my knowledge and being guided by an exceptional woman like Marianna, who strikes you with the concreteness with which she structured the program and with the experiences and inputs she has to provide. A lighthouse in the dark.


I highly recommend everyone to start, to you who are reading and are still doubtful ... Go, sign up, don't think about it. It doesn't matter what stage of your life you are at, if you are feeling down or already there or think you have to postpone.



This program is an infinite source of introspection and from this you will only be able to emerge richer!


Titty, 35

I was fascinated by Marianna in our first cognitive video call  pre-course.

She was able to let me open immediately and to understand what were the points to work on, infusing me from the first minutes positivity, energy and professionalism.


I entrusted myself to her because I saw how delicately she accepted my doubts, anxieties and fears in a moment of general perdition for me due so much to the pandemic.


Thanks to the course of Marianna "Up with life" I stopped to reflect on many things, on aspects, emotions, situations, social and mental conditions on which I had never paused because being always in a hurry it happens that I forget about myself.


Thanks to Marianna I discovered many aspects and sides of myself that I had buried, she helped me to find the courage to face some obstacles that I myself was setting.


His guidance has brought out what I really want by putting my priorities first and then those of others. Her program is structured in such a way that all the girls who participate can feel comfortable and let themselves go and let walls of emotion fall.


Marianna accompanies you as you change in all areas of life, providing you with the necessary tools to make this process concrete, tools that I will always reread, whenever I feel lost!


And to think that I was skeptical of this type of path ... but I'm glad I started  to the test, just as I am happy that there are professionals like Marianna who help you get back on track with your goals and priorities.


Sharing the journey with other women helped me to understand that I am not alone in having some fears and that each one can give you a hand to improve yourself.  I know that I can count on Marianna as a personal guide and with her I will share my successes deriving from this personal growth.


I have already recommended the route to other friends and I recommend it to you too if you feel you have lost your way. Relying on professionals has its side effects, they are called SATISFACTIONS!


Thanks for everything Marianna.



Valentina, 34

I participated in "Up with Life" at a time of great changes in my professional and private life. I knew I had a lot to invest in me and thanks to Marianna I assimilated the tools to fully understand my strengths, my abilities and work to achieve my goals.



The group formula proved to be an excellent opportunity to grow with other women, compare different points of view and make friends at a time when social relationships were limited (lockdown!).


Marianna is a source of energy and inspiration, she was an important guide who illuminated my path of inner growth with passion and professionalism.

I recommend her program to anyone who wants to invest in themselves!



This course teaches that you never stop improving and that learning to accept yourself is the first step in loving yourself.  



Heartfelt thanks Marianna!


Patty, 34

I decided to take this course because I needed to challenge myself and my beliefs about myself and about so many areas of life.


I had reached a point where I felt that clarifying issues about my person was badly needed.


Thanks Mary!


Thank you for giving me so much ideas, for teaching me how to understand many things about myself and everything around me! I learned to put my mind in order, to stop, to breathe and, even in moments of panic, to have more awareness of who I am and what I am capable of.  


I learned to read myself deeper and accept myself more for who I am!



The group journey was also a way to test myself, to share my fears, experiences, opinions with other girls, but also to learn from theirs, give us inspiration and strength for each other.  


Marianna has given us all priceless tools to find more serenity and happiness within ourselves!


Goddess, 39

No words can describe my gratitude to Marianna!


Let's put it this way: the "Up with Life" program will not only put you "UP!", It will also change your life for the BETTER!


Working on yourself is difficult, uncomfortable and sometimes even painful, but in the end you will see some surprising changes in these 3 months with her!


And I don't just mean tangible changes - because those come as consequences - I mean internal changes, starting with the way you see yourself as a Woman (the capital D I write it on purpose), in all aspects.


And in fact I deepened even more by participating in "Female Magic" to complete the picture of knowing myself.



It's worth it, believe me! And to do this, you too must throw yourself into the admiration of yourself and your life. Good job! Have a good change! Have fun!



Elena, 28

I am too grateful and proud to have invested in expanding my mindset this year.


I started the "journey" at the beginning of 2020 and it was a real awakening as well as digging into the stories that I tell myself and that influence the events of my life.


I first took part in the "Up with life!" of Marianna, who in addition to making me know parts of ME more deeply, gave me the opportunity to compare myself with other ambitious women like me in terms of personal growth.


Later I participated in the "Female Magic" path to be able to listen more to my body as a woman.


Now I have to admit that I have an extra charge and tools to be the best version of me and I am happy to have invested in my personal growth and awareness with Marianna!


For sure I will participate in all the other paths she creates, because I trust her 100%!

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